Sometimes the Breast thing to do is to ask a question…The Breast Question is the one that is on your mind often, The Breast Question may be beneficial to you, but is also a great one to share with others. Some answers and solutions are the best shared.
The Breast Question’s I have been asked this week are.
Q: Why do I need a support belt post reconstructive surgery?
A: You will find great comfort in wearing a Breast Belt post reconstruction as it sits under your arms and on top of the Breast holding the implant in place so that it enables for a beautiful symmetry a few weeks down the track.
A support belt is great as a staple for your healing process, if you don’t leave hospital with one, its a must have for you on arrival home…Keeps the Breasts looking their Breast always.
Q: I’m uneven after my expander has been inserted. What can I do to look normal?
A: You need a partial…A partial is a Breast cup that fits over the expander to protect and even up your chest appearance, enabling you to wear normal clothes immediately whilst you are expanding. Medicare will cover the cost for you. Not only is this The Breast Question, but it is such a common question that really does need more focus.
There’s so many questions that you need answered and each person has a different need. Rest assured there’s a solution for each and every body. The perfect size and shape is waiting just for you. The Breast Answer always follows The Breast Question:)
Give me a call and ask any question you like.
Facebook: optimalintimates
M: 0418 408 005 E: